Planning tools for Interactive design

This is a sample preliminary design process for teaching someone to use a toaster to make toast. It assumes you have BREAD and a TOASTER ready to use.


How to make toast

1. Take toaster from box
2. Place toaster onto a stable flat bench or table
3. Locate power cable
4. Is power point is off?
5. Align power cable prongs with corresponding holes in a power point.
6. Plug cable into the power point.
7. Turn on power point
8. Locate bread
9. Is bread cut?

Yes (continue to question 12)


10. Locate knife, be careful not cut yourself on the sharp edge
11. Cut bread into slices to fit in toaster
12. Place bread into toaster
13. Select length of time to cook toast for, smaller numbers mean less cooked higher is darker
14. Push down on the start button, normally located bottom right onto the front
15. Wait for toast to finish cooking
16. toast will be finished cooking when it pops back up.
17. Is toast at a safe temperature to remove?
18. Remove toast and prepare.

Flow Chart

Story Board

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